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Centre Soccer Association

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Oct, 2022

Adult Fall 22 Post Season: 11v11 Winter Scramble!!

The Adult 11v11 Winter Scramble is a recreational Coed Adult In-house league. This is a short 4 match season outdoors in Nov & early Dec. Full field, FIFA Rules, except no slide tacking (see below), with referees. Offsides will be called. Scores are kept for seeding purposes only in later rounds. No award is given for 1st place. Competition, sportsmanship, and fair play are the focus of the league. Just some fun, full field, 11v11 soccer!!! 

Each team will play 4 games. 11/13, 11/27, 12/4, 12/11, (12/18- save for make up). No game on 11/20.
Kickoffs at SCASD North Field starting at 1pm. 2:30pm, & 4pm unless otherwise noted.
All players register as Free Agents- the league will make balanced teams from all registrants.


IMPORTANT- Before registering: Please update your Positions played and Profile Photo in your account- .- We need this to help make the teams!

To update this info in your account- Log in to your CSA account, and on the account page, click the blue pencil by your name where it appears under “Participants”. You’ll advance to the next page where can update the following: Photo, Playing experience, Primary Position, and Secondary Position. 

To Register: Log in to your account on Register for “Adult 11v11 Winter Scramble-4 gamesAll players register as Free Agents, with no team code. The league will make balanced teams. All registration is online at See below for "Friend Requests".


Full details and Rules
Fee: $36 per player paid via their account on Adult Player membership required for new players in 2021. Players are responsible for reading and understanding all of the league rules and requirements.
Each team will play 4 games. 11/13, 11/27, 12/4, 12/11, (12/18- save for make up). No game on 11/20.
Kickoffs starting at 1pm. 2:30pm, & 4pm.

Registration Details:
All registration is online at Register for “Adult 11v11 Winter Scramble” Players register as Free Agents, with no team code. The league will make balanced teams.
Full Field, 11v11, offsides will be called.
Length of matches: 
Length of games will be adjusted by the league and posted in advance. 40 minute halves unless otherwise indicated. A game interrupted due to weather is considered complete if it has reached halftime. No overtime.
The league will create balanced teams. All players must include a photo in their profile on The league director may rebalance teams in extreme cases if necessary to fulfill league obligations, and add players late to teams at the league’s discretion.
Teams that do not have enough players to start or finish a game may use players from another team in the league, however the game will be deemed a forfeit by the team that adds other league players not on their roster to start or finish a game.
Uniforms: The first team listed in the matchup wears white, the second team listed wears dark. Players will be responsible for providing their own jersey in the following colors at each game: Players need to have one predominantly white jersey (with no repeating stripes or patterns), and one predominantly solid dark jersey (with no stripes or patterns involving white or lighter colors, including tie dye). Shirts can have logos, branding or graphics, just so those items do not make it conflict with the other team. No gray shirts at all.
Pre-Game Check in: 
Players must check in with the referee before the game starts or taking the field. The referees will be provided team rosters that include the players name and contact information, and a photo (to be provided by the player in their account profile on
This is a demonstration in-house league. No awards will be given for final standings. 
Scores will kept for seeding purposes only as follows:
3 pts for a win, 1 pts for a tie. See tiebreakers below.
-If there are 4 teams, each team plays the other one time, then teams are seeded for the last game 1v2, 3v4. 
-If there are 6 teams, teams will play 3 different teams, then a game with a 4th will be scheduled based on results.*
-Tiebreakers for later rounds if necessary
Head to head result
Fewest forfeits
Fewest Red Cards
Fewest Yellow Cards
Fewest goals conceded
Most goals scored
Coin Flip
FIFA Rules, except No Slide Tackling. Defined further as follows: Slide tackling constitutes tackling the ball away from another player by leaving your feet, sliding across the ball/player thereby endangering either or both. Sliding to save the ball without anyone in the area is not considered a slide tackle. The Goalkeeper can slide tackle within the box and can make a breakaway save within the box, as long as they are not coming out feet first with the intent to harm.
Offsides will be called.
Shinguards are required.
Player Information
Please update your relevant account info- Positions played and Profile Photo.
To update this info in your account- Log in to your CSA account, and on the account page, click the blue pencil by your name where it appears under “Participants”. You’ll advance to the next page where can update the following:
Photo, Playing experience, Primary Position, and Secondary Position. 
Friend Requests: Proper friend requests are considered. A proper friend request is Player A requests Player B, and simultaneously Player B requests Player A. We do not accept groups as friend requests, or “daisy chaining” of requests.
Cancellations & refunds: 
In the event of circumstances beyond the control of the league cause a game to be cancelled, no make ups will be offered and no refunds given. No refunds will be given for any reason after teams are made & posted.
3 person ref crew
Referees will be used from CSA’s assignor.
In the event we do not have enough certified officials for a full crew, players in the league may serve as club linesman for games they are not playing in. 
Red & Yellow Cards: 
Zero tolerance policy for referee abuse. Dissent will not be tolerated.
Yellow cards shall accumulate through the duration of the league. A one match suspension shall occur with the accumulation of 2 yellow cards by any player.
Any suspension penalties for red cards not served in this league carry over to the next CSA league. If the player is in multiple CSA leagues, the suspension must be served in the higher ranking league.
This is an inhouse demonstration adult league. The CSA Director can revise these rules without notice.
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